Jeremias 29:11

La idea de empezar este blog es para todo aquel que tiene el deseo de acercarse mas a EL. Somos un grupo de amigas de diferentes paises y culturas, pero con un mismo deseo de crecer, y acercarnos a nuestro Dios. Queremos compartir testimonios, escrituras, musica, devocionales, y cualquier cosa que nos inspira a acercarnos mas a EL. NOS UNIMOS AL CIELO PARA ADORAR AL REY.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Turning Stumbling Blocks Into Stepping Stones (2)

None of these things move me...
Acts 20:24

We don't hear much about Abraham Lincoln's defeats because his victories were so notable. But for much of his life the odds were against him. His mother died when he was nine. In 1832 he lost an election to the Illinois State Legislature. In 1849 he was rejected as Commissioner of the General Land Office. He lost Senate races in 1855 and 1858, and in between failed to win a vice-presidential nomination. However, his most painful losses were the deaths of his four-year-old and twelve-year-old sons. Born in the backwoods of Kentucky, Lincoln had only a few months of 'blab school' - one without books where students repeated the teacher's words. He taught himself mathematics, read the classics and worked on his writing and speaking skills using the Bible as his model. His philosophy was, 'I'll study and prepare, and when the time comes I'll be ready.' He told a friend, 'Bear in mind, your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing.' His Gettysburg Address is one of the most notable speeches in history. During the darkest days of the Civil War he said, 'I do the very best I know how… and I mean to keep on doing it to the end.'
Paul didn't say, 'None of these things hurt me,' he said, 'None of these things move me.' Big difference! Paul refused to let life's problems derail him. He understood that what happens in you is more important than what happens to you. He also understood that when you look to Jesus as your role model and draw strength from Him each day, He'll give you all that's needed to overcome in life.

Turning Stumbling Blocks Into Stepping Stones (1)

We are more than conquerors...
Romans 8:37 NKJV

How would you describe somebody who was an accomplished pianist at ten, a professional organist at eleven, had compositions published at thirteen, and was a member of the royal court musical staff at fourteen? Privileged? Born with a silver spoon in his mouth? Hardly! Ludwig van Beethoven was a black-haired, swarthy-complexioned, pockmarked boy who endured taunts and name calling in his hometown along the Rhine River, an area of mostly blond, fair-skinned children. His alcoholic father decided that Ludwig would support him, so he made him a slave to the keyboard. Looking back, Beethoven couldn't recall a single moment of childhood happiness. His life was comprised of work, tears, beatings and angry tirades. In his twenties he encountered another more insidious enemy deafness. When he could no longer play publicly he put all his energies into composing. His years of deafness were his most prolific. Although at the time his works weren't well received, he influenced many of the great composers like Brahms, Wagner and Schubert. Nearing death and recognising that the world had never fully understood or appreciated him and his music, he said with a smile, 'I shall hear in heaven.'
When life knocks you down don't stay down, bounce back! Everybody stumbles or gets knocked off their feet from time to time; the winners are just the ones who keep getting back up! That's what Paul meant when he said, 'In all these things we are more than conquerors.' If you pray and look hard enough, you'll find the seed of good in every adversity (Genesis 50:20). The difference between winners and losers, is their ability to turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Sirviendo a Dios y a tu pareja!

Hola Chicas! este devocional me llego hoy y lo encuentro muy bueno para todas las chicas casadas o comprometidas. Bueno las solteras tambien pueden aprender algo para el futuro. Disfrutenlo..y perdon que no lo tenga en espanol.

Nady ^_^

Serving God - And Your Mate! (

A married man... has to... 1 Corinthians 7:33 NLT

Paul writes: 'An unmarried man can spend his time doing the Lord's work and thinking how to please him. But a married man can't do that so well. He has to think about… how to please his wife.' Gayle Urban tells of browsing in a bookstore and discovering a shelf with reduced-price items. Among the gifts was a little figurine with a man and woman, their heads lovingly tilted toward one another. 'Happy 10th Anniversary,' read the inscription. It appeared to be in perfect condition yet its tag indicated 'damaged.' Examining it more closely, she found another tag underneath that read, 'WIFE IS COMING UNGLUED!'When you marry somebody, you marry everything they are and everything they have been through. It's a package deal! And if you ask God, He'll give you the grace to minister to your mate. You may not see immediate change. It takes time for even a small cut to heal. But if you allow Him, God will give you the oil of compassion and the wine of love to pour into their wounds. Never become so spiritual that you become unavailable. Your first calling is to your mate and your family. Your priorities should start there, then spread to your career, your vocation and other pursuits. Paul says, in effect, 'I release those who are married from the level of consecration I expect from those who are single, so that they'll be able to spend time working on their relationship.' You say, 'But I need to spend time with the Lord.' That's true, and the Bible doesn't release you from your responsibility to God, it just sets some priorities. You're called to serve the Lord; and your mate!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

"...Y te confiero un título de honor..."

Hola... Desde CR quiero compartir un pasaje que estubimos discutiendo en el grupo de jóvenes de mi Igle mientras hablabamos sobre una verdadera amistad con Dios como la tubo Abraham y Moisés al punto q Dios les permitió tanto darle consejos (Abraham a Dios ) como ver aunque fuera su espalda (Moisés), realmente me impacto y sentí compartirlo con uds Se encuentra en Isaías 45...

Así dice el Señor a (PON TU NOMBRE), su ungido, a quien tomó de la mano derecha
para someter a su dominio las naciones y despojar de su armadura a los reyes, para abrir a su paso las puertas y dejar abiertas las entradas:

«Marcharé al frente de ti, y allanaré las montañas; haré pedazos las puertas de bronce
y cortaré los cerrojos de hierro. Te daré los tesoros de las tinieblas, y las riquezas guardadas en lugares secretos, para que sepas que yo soy el Señor, el Dios de Israel, que te llama por tu nombre. Por causa de Jacob mi siervo, de Israel mi escogido, te llamo por tu nombre y te confiero un título de honor, aunque tú no me conoces. Yo soy el Señor, y no hay otro; fuera de mí no hay ningún Dios. Aunque tú no me conoces, te fortaleceré, para que sepan de oriente a occidente que no hay ningún otro fuera de mí. Yo soy el Señor, y no hay ningún otro.
Yo formo la luz y creo las tinieblas, traigo bienestar y creo calamidad; Yo, el Señor, hago todas estas cosas. »¡Destilen, cielos, desde lo alto! ¡Nubes, hagan llover justicia! ¡Que se abra la tierra de par en par! ¡Que brote la salvación! ¡Que crezca con ella la justicia! Yo, el Señor, lo he creado.»


Friday, May 22, 2009

Everyone needs compassion,Love that's never failing; Let mercy fall on me.
Everyone needs forgiveness,The kindness of a Saviour; The Hope of nations.
Saviour, He can move the mountains,My God is Mighty to save,He is Mighty to save.
Forever, Author of salvation, He rose and conquered the grave, Jesus conquered the grave.
So take me as You find me,All my fears and failures, Fill my life again.I give my life to follow Everything I believe in, Now I surrender.
My Saviour, He can move the mountains, My God is Mighty to save, He is Mighty to save.
Forever, Author of salvation, He rose and conquered the grave, Jesus conquered the grave.
Shine your light and let the whole world see, We're singing for the glory of the risen King...Jesus
Wow!! muchas veces cante esta cancion en la iglesia, pero hoy mientras buscaba de EL me di cuenta de lo que decia. "Cantamos por la gloria tu majestad!" Escuchenla y espero que a ustedes tambien les ministre.

Los 12 tipo de noviazgos más comunes ♥ ♥

Hola Chicas! ♥

Como se que por ahi andan chicas empezando nuevas relaciones, enamorandose de alguien o esperando encontrar a " The One". Pienso que no les haría mal echarle un ojito a este librito ;)

las kiero chicas!

Nady ^_^

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Atraccion Irresistible!

Buenaa chikas!!!
La verdad que Dioss esta haciendoo tantas cosas, que no se puede explicar con Palabras lo unico que se puede decir .. que ES UNA ATRACCION IRRESISTIBLE ... 
cuandoo pienso en lo hermoso que es estar con EL .. no hay nada que lo supere.. un amorr sin medidass!! que crecee .. y mientras mas lo CONOZCO mas lo quiero conocer... y mientras mas LO AMO , mas lo quiero amarr!!!
una relaccion INTIMA con El es la que nos convierte en AMIGAS CERCANAS...
en nos atrae CON CUERDAS DE AMOR IRRESISTIBLES!! solo dejense enamorar mas!!!
y apasionarce mas por EL que No Hay nada mas Hermoso que conocerlo ..
---- Y LOS INTIMOS LES DARA A CONOCER SU PACTO!!---- ahora sii seamos intimass y conozcamos su corazon y los secretros... 
un corazon COMO EL SAMUEL!!! que lo unico que le Importaba Era agradarle a EL!!!..
----entonces que nuestar oracion sea.. atrae mi corazonn PORQUE ME MUERO DE AMOR POR VOS!! ... es EL que Yo anhelo , es A EL que yo Deseo... 
----- LO AMO TANTOOOOO!!! .. cada dia quiero apasionarme MAS Y MAS!!
si somos AMIGAS DE EL , mostremonos amigas! Intimas... las que CONOCEN LOS SECRETOS DEL AMADO!!!



Estoy leyendo un libro que se llama "Lady in Waiting" y estas son algunas de las cositas que me an llamado la atencion por ahora.
"A woman is not born woman. Nor does she become one when she marries a man, bears a child and does their dirty linen, not even when she joins a woman's liberation movement. A WOMAN BECOMES A WOMAN WHEN SHE BECOMES WHAT GOD WANTS HER TO BE"
" may need to find "new people" who will encourage your growth and not hinder it."
"Your best friends should be cheering you on in your commitment to Jesus."

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Este video esta re lindo! ;) sonrian!!

Este es el coro de una cancion que veo como una oracion. Que todos los dias sea EL por el que vivimos! Busquemos mas de EL!!!
Everyday, Lord, I'll Learn to stand upon Your word, And I pray that I might come to know You more. That You would guide me in every single step I take, that Everyday I can Be Your light unto the world. Everyday, it's You I live for Everyday, I'll follow after You Everyday, I'll walk with You, my Lord.
Everyday de Hillsong.

Listen To God parte 2

Listen To God (2)

Fear not, for I am with you... Isaiah 41:10 NKJV

To be successful in anything God calls you to do, you must be sensitive to the Holy Spirit within you and learn to recognise when He speaks to you through the Scriptures.When the pressure is on and you're tempted to move too quickly you'll hear His voice saying: '… You shall not go out with haste… for the Lord will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your rear guard' (Isaiah 52:12 NKJV). God's got you covered; front and back. How good is that? When you're about to make a wrong turn or a bad decision He will remind you, 'In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps' (Proverbs 16:9 NIV). When you don't have the ways and means to get the job done His voice will whisper: 'The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, and strengthen your bones; you will be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail' (Isaiah 58:11 NKJV). You have an unfailing supply. When you run out of answers and don't know what to do He will reassure you: 'I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you' (Psalm 32:8 NIV). When the load becomes too heavy to carry you'll hear His voice saying, 'Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall' (Psalm 55:22 NIV).Hearing God's voice may mean you have to sacrifice lesser things and tune out other voices, but you must do it. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is more important than learning to recognise God's voice when He speaks to you.

^_^ Nady

Listen to God

En esta semana he estado orando para que Dios me diga que hacer con una decision que tengo que contestar sobre pertenecer a un grupo de la iglesia que va a estar acargo de algunas responsabilidades en la Church. Especificamente yo estaba pensando juntarme al grupo en el area de Publicidad para la Iglesia ( muchos aqui saben que me interesada mucho lo que tenga que ver con creatividad y arte ^-^ ) pero tenia mucho miedo, todabia lo tengo, de no llegar a ser suficiente, de no ser capaz, y bueno todo lo que viene con hacer algo nuevo, cuando tomas ese paso sin saber el resultado. Pero Dios ha sido fiel y me ha estado hablando constantemente por diferentes formas. Este devocional esta en ingles y me llego ayer a mi email. Espero que sea de gran bendicion para ustedes tambien.

Muchas bendiciones a todos,

Nady ^_^

Listen To God (1)
Your ears will hear a voice... saying, 'This is the way... '

Any time you step out in faith and try something, a voice within you will whisper, 'You must be out of your mind. You're not capable of this. Those little accomplishments you had before were pure luck; you just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Now you're in over your head.' That voice will waken you in the middle of the night, sick to your stomach. You can hear it in every boardroom, living room and pavement. It's the voice of fear, and it doesn't play fair. It pulls the file on your past failures and preys on your deepest insecurities.

But there's another voice; God's! It says: 'Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand' (Isaiah 41:10 NKJV). Attuning your ears to God's voice doesn't mean your problems are automatically solved or that the other voice just fades away. No, it's more like having an intimate conversation with a close friend in a noisy, crowded place. There may be other voices around you but you don't hear them because you're so focused on what your friend is saying. That's how it is with God's voice. Whether He speaks to you through the Scriptures, through a friend, or through your life's circumstances, He's always communicating with the heart that seeks Him. His promise to you is, 'Your ears will hear a voice… saying, "This is the way; walk in it."' One word from God, just one, can change your entire outlook. So today, take time to listen to God's voice.

Soy tuyo Hoy- Rojo

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Jesus Adrian Romero

Bueno aqui les dejo un link a una pagina donde tienen un playlist de Jesus Adrian Romero.
El es uno de mis cantantes favoritos, sus letras siempre expresan lo que siento y lo que quiero decirle a Dios.
Unas de mis favoritas es "Tal como soy" y "Como la brisa"

aqui les va la letras

Tal como soy Señor,sin nada que ofrecermas que mi canción.
No tengo mas que darte pues todo es tuyo Señor.
Tal como soy Señor,sin nada que entregarmas que el corazón.
Me rindo todo a ti; tómame Señor,
tal como soy.Aceptamecomo ofrenda de amor;
como un sacrificio agradable en tu honor;
grato perfumeyo quiero ser Señor.

** Como la brisa
Abro el corazón y las ventanas
Cuando empieza la mañana Por si quieres hoy venir
Eres como el viento que no avisa Cuando sopla y trae la brisa
Ven y sopla sobre mi
Y mi corazon vuelve a latir Y se renueva si estas aqui
Y mi corazon vela por ti Por que te espera vuelve a venir

Coro Espiritu de Dios ven a mi vida
Como lluvia que tardo Y al decierto vida dio
Desciende sobre mi Como la brisa
Que destile sobre mi
Tu poder en mi haz fluir
Abro el corazón y las ventanas....

Cuales son sus favoritas de este cantante?? y por que??