Jeremias 29:11

La idea de empezar este blog es para todo aquel que tiene el deseo de acercarse mas a EL. Somos un grupo de amigas de diferentes paises y culturas, pero con un mismo deseo de crecer, y acercarnos a nuestro Dios. Queremos compartir testimonios, escrituras, musica, devocionales, y cualquier cosa que nos inspira a acercarnos mas a EL. NOS UNIMOS AL CIELO PARA ADORAR AL REY.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Listen to God

En esta semana he estado orando para que Dios me diga que hacer con una decision que tengo que contestar sobre pertenecer a un grupo de la iglesia que va a estar acargo de algunas responsabilidades en la Church. Especificamente yo estaba pensando juntarme al grupo en el area de Publicidad para la Iglesia ( muchos aqui saben que me interesada mucho lo que tenga que ver con creatividad y arte ^-^ ) pero tenia mucho miedo, todabia lo tengo, de no llegar a ser suficiente, de no ser capaz, y bueno todo lo que viene con hacer algo nuevo, cuando tomas ese paso sin saber el resultado. Pero Dios ha sido fiel y me ha estado hablando constantemente por diferentes formas. Este devocional esta en ingles y me llego ayer a mi email. Espero que sea de gran bendicion para ustedes tambien.

Muchas bendiciones a todos,

Nady ^_^

Listen To God (1)
Your ears will hear a voice... saying, 'This is the way... '

Any time you step out in faith and try something, a voice within you will whisper, 'You must be out of your mind. You're not capable of this. Those little accomplishments you had before were pure luck; you just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Now you're in over your head.' That voice will waken you in the middle of the night, sick to your stomach. You can hear it in every boardroom, living room and pavement. It's the voice of fear, and it doesn't play fair. It pulls the file on your past failures and preys on your deepest insecurities.

But there's another voice; God's! It says: 'Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand' (Isaiah 41:10 NKJV). Attuning your ears to God's voice doesn't mean your problems are automatically solved or that the other voice just fades away. No, it's more like having an intimate conversation with a close friend in a noisy, crowded place. There may be other voices around you but you don't hear them because you're so focused on what your friend is saying. That's how it is with God's voice. Whether He speaks to you through the Scriptures, through a friend, or through your life's circumstances, He's always communicating with the heart that seeks Him. His promise to you is, 'Your ears will hear a voice… saying, "This is the way; walk in it."' One word from God, just one, can change your entire outlook. So today, take time to listen to God's voice.

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